Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cygnet Sign

One of the highlights of the spring bird walks at Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery was always a check on the breeding progress of the resident Trumpeter Swans. When we rolled up the sidewalks on the bird walks for a while at the end of May, the female swan was still on the nest, the outcome uncertain. A little way into June, even spotting her on the nest became impossible, as the cattails got so thick she was concealed from sight. The last time I walked there, about a week ago, I didn't see either swan. So I was relieved today to spot both of them on the pond as soon as I could see the pond. And when I got close enough, this is what I saw.

Both parents watch for danger to their single cygnet

        It was great fun to see the parents stir up the bottom with their feet to bring small food items to the surface for the little one to eat. I actually have some video of that, but upload times are gruesome on our connection for video.
        The few remaining Canada goslings are starting to look more like grown-ups.  The adults have all molted their primaries, so they are as flightless as their offspring.

Note the lack of primaries on these birds.

On alert!

     Although still downy, the facial pattern of an adult is starting to emerge on the two month old gosling above.


     On the home front, I came home the other afternoon, and spotted these guys in our walnut orchard.

Look closely for fawn number two on the left.

I think fawn number two is practicing fawn yoga here.
      On this last day of spring, my wish for you is that you find all the wonders that summer has to offer in your own amazing places!