I took this picture today, to remind myself why I have decided to focus on taking pictures of the old barns of Van Buren County. This pile of rubble is all that remains of one of my favorite barns. It was a white Gambrel style barn with clerestory windows. It sat near the intersection of CR 374 and 45th Street. I frequently travel this way, and I would almost always say or think to myself, "I love that barn, I should take a picture." Well, last year it fell down from the weight of its years, and I never did take those pictures.
Cr 374 and 45th Street, Van Buren County
So today, I kept my promise to another old barn. This one is at CR374 and 41st Street in Van Buren County.
CR 374 and 41st Street, Van Buren County
Barn Swallows fly in and out through the gaps in the siding, and zip back and forth across the fields that surround it. This spring, Dickcissel, Red-winged Blackbirds, Field Sparrows and Eastern Meadowlark kept it company with their songs.
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