Looking north on 60th Street from 48th Avenue in Van Buren County. |
My mom used to shudder when the Midwest was mentioned. "I can't stand it there. I need mountains, it's so flat!" I grew up with mountains myself, and when we were contemplating moving to Michigan, I thought about what she said, a little uneasy. What if I needed mountains, too?
Well, luckily for me, the perfectly flat topography I was imagining turned out to be nonexistent in real life. Actually, Van Buren County turned out to be quite rolling in spots. While they aren't mountains, the Webster Hills are tall enough generate quite a thrill for low level risk takers such as myself. Periodically, I drive to the top, roll down the windows, 'push off', and let the wheels turn as they will until I get to the bottom. Sometimes, I might go as fast as fifty or sixty miles per hour! And sometimes, I just coast down with my foot on the brake so I can enjoy the view.
48th Avenue at 60th Street in Van Buren County, looking west
I am not sure why I took this picture. I love the rusted old gate that goes nowhere, the fact that there are three padlocks of various ages, but the only one that is locked is the one on the end of the chain, not accomplishing much. What does it make you think of?
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